Food and Yoga for Back Pain Relief

Food And Yoga To Heal Your Back

Chronic back pain is a royal pain in the back! All age groups, even children are not spared from this debilitating pain. It prevents many individuals from taking part in work, play, and laughter. Your age, being overweight, being sedentary, lack of sleep and smoking may be among a few of the many reasons for your back irritation. Here are a few
simple, tangible lifestyle changes you can implement today to ease and even get rid of your back pain for good no matter the cause of your pain.
Do these 12 yoga asanas every morning to keep your back pain free.

Yoga Poses for Back Pain.

1. Child’s Pose 2. Cat & Cow Pose 3. Downward Dog 4.Crescent Lunge on one knee 5. Warrior 1 6. Triangle Pose 7.Revolved Triangle Pose 8. Locust Pose 9.One Leg Forward Fold Pose 10. Knees to Chest Pose 11. Twist Pose 12. Corps pose Not stretching and doing strength training not only makes you stiff but also reduces blood flow to the lower spine, which keeps your body from delivering enough nutrients to the discs in your back. Doing this flow every morning will do wonders for your spine. Cat and Cow pose helps your spine stretch upward, it helps in relieving the compression of the cartilage of the spine and stretching of the skeletal muscles. The triangle pose helps stretch the sideways and lateral decompression of the spinal cord. Warrior one helps to stretch the whole spine forward and helps to open up the lower back, hamstrings, and hips. The twisting action of these asanas helps strengthen ABS and obliques and energies the spine. The backward, stretching of the spine in some poses improve flexibility. Doing this routine in the morning is almost as good as going to a chiropractor every day to get your spine adjusted!

TIP of the Day!

Adjusting your posture from time to time, while sitting for extended periods will also help reduce pressure and pain. Whenever you catch yourself slouching, sit up with your spine straight.

Healthy Eating for a healthy spine.

Now let’s talk about healing your body from the inside. Daily heat and cold compressions along-side eating an anti-inflammatory diet will improve back pain. Food rich in magnesium, vitamin D, calcium, fiber and Omega 3 is good for spinal nourishing. When faced with back pain, increase Omega 3 rich food sources, such as salmon, tuna, kale, olive oil, and nuts in your diet. Alongside inflammation-reducing plant food such as sweet potatoes, berries, grapes, watermelon, and carrots. Herbs and spices, including basil, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, garlic, curcumin, onions, oregano, and turmeric tend to be rich in anti-inflammatory agents, so season generously. These foods are loaded with calcium, vitamin-D, magnesium, and fiber that will help reduce inflammation and nourish your spine with the nutrients it needs to keep you pain-free.

In a nutshell

Yoga alongside eating a diet rich in Omega3, fiber, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium will help you stay back pain-free.

About the author :

Azgari Hasin

Be Happy. Be Healthy.

Azgari Hasin is a gypsy yogi who is passionate about conscious eating. She is a certified yoga instructor, registered nutritionist, and an entrepreneur in the health and fitness industry. Follow her social media pages for more health and wellness articles. Follow the Author on FaceBook Follow the Author on Instagram


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