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Dining Out without Over Eating

               “Health is wealth” is what we have always heard. Everything in moderation is best, even wealth. A balanced amount of wealth intake is required to maintain health. Being a nutritionist, the wealth I am refereeing to is the calorie content in food. We live busy, unpredictable, hectic lives where sitting down to eat breakfast or lunch has become a luxury. The Internet and experts bombard us with dieting rules and regulations that are sometimes more complex to understand than a space rocket manual! Ok.. maybe I am exaggerating just a tiny bit, but you get my point. I get messages from working mothers who want to lose a few pounds but don’t have the time, willpower or motivation to follow through on strict conventional diets, food weighing and measuring guidelines. I am a firm believer in simplicity when it comes to food. You need not follow strict diets to maintain optimal weight. You just need to be knowledgeable about your nutrient needs and hav

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